Freestanding Deck, Viewing Areas, Interwoven with the Landscaping

Our client wanted to keep the landscaping close to the house so we designed a freestanding deck with viewing areas that accent the amazing views. The rail posts are 6×6 for exceptional strength and a massive appearance. In some areas we used tempered glass railing to avoid any obstruction of the panoramic vista. Deck surrounds the outdoor pool and open-air hot tub.

Enjoy the photos below of the amazing city views below, the freestanding viewing areas, how wonderfully decking is interwoven with the surrounding landscape, and a closeup of the deck finish. Imagine taking a soak in the pool, then relaxing with this amazing view!


Deck, integrated with the amazing views and the outdoor pool.

landscaping around deck's freestanding viewing areas with city views

More amazing views of the city below from this deck’s freestanding viewing areas.


Closeup of the finish one of the freestanding viewing areas.